a and an

WK learning 第一篇文章, 由簡單學起, a 同 an既分別, 根據 Oxford 出版既 "How English Work" 提到: We use a before a consonant and an before a vowel. But it depends on the pronunciation of the following word, not the spelling.

A and an function as the indefinite forms of the grammatical article in the English language and can also represent the number one. An is the older form (related to one, cognate to German ein etc), now used before words starting with a vowel sound (or a syllabic consonant), regardless of whether the word begins with a vowel letter.

vowel 解作 母音字母(a,e,i,o,u), 當英文字發音為母音字母, 就要用"an"

最易混淆既係當英文字第一個字母為母音字母(a,e,i,o,u), 大家(包括我)都會自自然然地用"an", 就例如: university, European, unit, 錯! 應該用"a", 因為它們的發音不是以Vowel為開頭.
而有些英文字,例如 honest, hour, 就應該用 "an", 因為 honest kk 音標係 KK: [] , hour KK: [] 都係以Vowel 為開頭.

例子 for "a".
a dog, a hat, a one-pound coin, a union, a university, a ticket, a VIP, a half-hour lesson, a one-hour lesson, a useful book, a European, a hand, a unit, a CD, a school

例子 for "an"
an orange, an uncle, an hour, an MP, an elephant, an umbrella, an honest man , an SOS, an X-ray, an underpass, an exam



Starting the presentation (開始陳述)

